Nixon Watches

Nixon is the leading premium accessories brand for the youth lifestyle market, focused on team-designed collaborations that appeal to the global community of creatives and free-thinkers.
Nixon was founded in Encinitas, California in 1998. They began with a small line of watches designed exclusively for specialty boardsport and fashion retailers. They make watches that reflect the people who wear them and the lives they lead. Nixon timepiece enthusiasts travel to the far corners of the earth to experience life, and it is through these explorations, the people they meet and the journey to get there, that Nixon finds inspiration.
Nestled comfortably against the Pacific Ocean in Southern California, with offices tucked neatly next to some of the best spots in Europe, Australia and Asia, you’ll find Nixon people doing what they do best. Constructed around decades of making the little stuff better, Nixon is driven to create custom built products that reflect their unique point of view, their heritage and their style. They don’t stop until they get it right.
Feldmar Watch Company is honored to be an authorized Nixon watch dealer. Discover the singularly exciting world of Nixon watches.
Feldmar Watch Company, Inc. is proud to be an authorized dealer for every brand that we carry in our showroom. This distinction gives our clientele the peace of mind that all warranties and services are guaranteed by both the manufacturer and the store. When you purchase a timepiece or accessory from Feldmar, you can rest assured you’re receiving the very best in product quality and customer service.