Collector Confessions: What Was the Watch that Started it All?
I’m new to working at Feldmar, but I’ve been collecting watches for just over 10 years. In this time, I’ve accumulated some tips, tricks, advice, observations, and, yes, confessions that I hope are worth sharing. So, consider this the pilot episode of a new series that you can enjoy whenever you need some watch distraction […]

Collector Confessions: What’s Up with Non-Watch People Anyway?
There are people who roam this earth who could not care less about watches. Of course, I’m not talking about people who are genuinely struggling or who are in real danger for their lives or the lives of their loved ones. I’m talking about people who could afford to have a decent mechanical or quartz […]

Collector Confessions: How People (Including Me) Get Scammed Into Buying a Fake Watch
This article is definitely more of a confessional than previous ones. So, I’ll say it right off: I got scammed. Many years back, I bought a fake Rolex thinking (perhaps even convincing myself) that it was real. Not a day goes by without replaying what happened that day and swearing that it would never happen […]