All in the Family: Passing down Your Watch
Family traditions are important, and what better tradition to start than passing a beautiful luxury timepiece down from generation to generation? Leave your legacy with these helpful tips.
First of all, which type of watch makes the best heirloom?
If you’re purchasing a luxury watch in hopes of someday passing it on to a family member, stay away from anything too trendy. Think classic, not necessarily high-fashion. When cared for correctly, mechanical and automatic watches have a long lifespan are made with the intention of having multiple owners. While you’ll certainly want a timeless and durable watch, be sure to select one that fits into your lifestyle as well, so it accurately represents you as a person.

Preserve its history
More than the watch itself, your loved one is sure to value the “story” behind your family heirloom. Why not purchase it when you get married, when your first child is born or when you land your dream job? It will only make the piece that much more special. Be sure to document how you came to own the watch and jot down stories of how you’ve put it to use over the years. Additionally, keep everything your timepiece came with, including the box, paperwork, warranty, additional straps and any other accessories. Not only does this add to the watch’s value, it preserves some of the history behind the timepiece.
Taking care of your heirloom
A luxury watch is an investment and it should be treated as one. Take your timepiece to a professional watchmaker for regular service, and have it repaired right away if it gets damaged or stops working. When not wearing your watch, be sure to store it properly so it functions properly for years to come.

Make it special
Some choose to gift the next generation with their timepiece to celebrate a special occasion – a graduation, a birthday, a wedding, a birth or some other monumental event. When it comes time to pass down the heirloom, make it special. Talk about why you chose to give the timepiece to this person, and who you hope that he or she gives it to in the future.

To wear or not to wear?
You may not wear the timepiece you plan to pass down as often as you’d like in hopes of preserving it. However, we are firm believers that in order to be a true family heirloom, a luxury watch should be worn! Even small scratches and other imperfections will help to mold its story and add to its sentimental value.
Do you have a special timepiece that you plan to pass down to the next generation? Share its story below!